Marco Battaglia Italian Graphic Designer
Marco Battaglia is a skilled graphic designer with extensive experience working in both agency and freelance settings.
He received his diploma in Graphic Design from the Academy of Fine Arts in Reggio Calabria and went on to specialize in Graphics for Public and Territorial Authorities at the University of Calabria. Additionally, he completed further studies in Graphics for Communication and Calligraphy and Typography at the IED in Florence.
Main events
In 2013, he was involved in the creation of Jestime, a visual arts collective that was active until 2017. From 2018 in florence, he has been collaborating with some Graphic Design Studios as Kidstudio or RovaiWeber design, while also continuing to work as a freelancer. In 2020, he founded Type Foundry Aspro Type, a new and independent type design project.
  • Graphic Design for Social Issues at the IED in Florence - 2023
  • Lettering at the Academy of Fine Arts in Reggio Calabria - 2022/2025
  • Graphic Design for the Image at the Academy of Fine Arts in Perugia - 2023/2024
National and/or international projects carried out

Re.Design Calabria - DE_LAB. DESIGN FOR THE ARTISTIC AND CULTURAL HERITAGE, held at the University of Calabria from April 2013 to July 2013.
A High Training Workshop, held under the authoritative guidance of Leonardo Sonnoli and Aldo Presta, which aimed to design a unique communication system for the entire network of Calabria's Artistic and Cultural Heritage.
The initiative was organised by Sensi Contemporanei, in collaboration with the Department for Development and Economic Cohesion - Minister for Territorial Cohesion, the Ministry for Cultural Heritage and Activities (PaBAAC), the Cultural and Landscape Heritage of Calabria and the Region of Calabria.

Cheap festival - Poster Design selected and exhibited during the 2016 edition of the CHEAP festival section Call For Artist based in Bologna (Italy) on behalf of the collective JESTIME

Ubuntu - I am because we are. Organised by Armando Milani and held at La Rotonda della Besana in Milan in 2018.
A group exhibition of posters for the Ubuntu project. The term Ubuntu or 'human kindness', represents a unifier within different humanist philosophies that describes 'the quality of being human'. However, the meaning of Ubuntu goes beyond mere kindness. Ubuntu embodies the ideas of connection, community and caring for everyone. Ubuntu states that 'a person is a person because of other people', or 'I am, because of you'.


Design must combine creativity and functionality in an ongoing dialogue, with the goal of providing services for creating communication systems and branding strategies in order to design unique and memorable experiences.

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